One-Stop-Shop provided by joint venture of retailers with industry and contractors

Creating a joint venture of retailers with industrials (materials and product manufacturers / suppliers) and contractors is a solution to set up a one-stop-shop model to refurbish existing buildings. Consortium of industrials with complementary products provides a full-service package.
"What” (value proposition)
The added values for the clients of the joint venture business model is a one-stop-shop package offering all kind of renovation services. Indeed, customers beneficiate from:
- Easy access to refurbishment building services under one roof, getting all from one trusted vendor (nationwide single-point contact retailers) providing knowledge on global renovation and energy efficiency use of the house;
- Flexible funding and frequent customer benefits based on different purchasing ways: all installed, partly installed, just products or flexible project schedules;
- Project management (help obtaining approvals from local authorities and apply for subsidies, quality assurance, energy certificate, etc).
"Who” (target customer)
Target clients are owners of single-family houses built around 60’s or 80’s, that urgently need renovation. They can be attracted by the physical network of retailers having their own retail stores. Dedicated personal assistance can be provided in this case.
"How” (value chain, activities, resources)
A key partner is the retailer (or a building product supplier), which ensures the following activities: marketing, selling of all products needed in house renovation as well as most of the services requested in house renovation (e.g. planning, installation, etc).
This partner has specific contracts with local retail stores (for insulation, heat pumps, heating systems, ventilation systems, doors, etc.) and various partners with expertise on planning, installations, energy audit, certificate suppliers, banks, energy supply of buildings.

"Why” (revenue model and cost structure)
Cost structure for the main contractor:
Material and product costs, labour costs as salaries and overheads, marketing costs, travel costs, subcontracting of the renovation work.
Revenue streams for the main service provider:
Payment from customers from the services and products purchased, commission from products suppliers.